
WEHI Research Computing Platform

Public page for the WEHI Research Computing Platform (RCP)

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Email - Week 3

Hi All,

This is your email to start week 3 of your internship. You are probably getting your head around the concepts and perhaps still feeling a little bit anxious too. That’s OK. Please remember that this is a “best-effort” internship for most of you and we are trying to see how good you really are in a safe environment. Remember, you can always ask your supervisor or me for help.

WARNING: Do you have a problem? Please read this first

Many students ask their supervisor questions that could be easily solved within the team. Please read this to find out when and how to send an email to your supervisor to ask a question.

Goals for the week

  1. Read about the high-level project itself, and go back and watch the recording from week 2.
  2. Send your weekly email update to your supervisors one day before the weekly meeting. This should be the standard across all the future weekly project meetings. Usually, students who do not send regular email updates usually do not do well and do not receive good references by their supervisors.
  3. Practice with your team mates on how you would draw up the high-level problem on the whiteboard waiut a 10 to 15 minute limit. This is because you will need to do this in front of your supervisors. If you pass, you will get permission to reach out to stakeholders and SMEs to setup a time to meet them in week 5. Here is an example of drawing up the high level problem on a virtual whiteboard WEHI email access only.
  4. You should be meeting with your other team mates at least twice a week for co-working sessions. Make one of those sessions a joint session with your sister project.

You can see the full list in the key milestones and onboarding emails page.

Key things to do before for your regular weekly project meeting

  1. Please meet as a team before the meeting without your supervisors to ensure you as a team of students are all on the same page
  2. Please send a weekly email update 24 hours before the meeting with:
    • what each student has done,
    • write down any questions you have for the meeting to use as an agenda,
    • provide a link to the wiki, and
    • provide a link to the technical notes in Sharepoint
  3. Remember to ask to record the meeting to more easily keep notes if needed
  4. Document the action items and make sure they are in the weekly email update for next week

Onboarding documentation

Please read through the onboarding document as this will help you ease your way into WEHI.

Here are a few things you can do:

If you have any questions or need further clarification regarding the internship program or the onboarding document, please feel free to reach out to me after you have looked through these documents. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary support.

We are looking forward to working with you and wish you a rewarding and successful internship experience.


Rowland Mosbergen