Summary and Schedule

Welcome to Intermediate Slurm! Delivered by WEHI’s Research Computing Platform.

This lesson is targeted to learners who are researchers who have started using Slurm on Milton, and now have a sense of how to submit Slurm jobs and request resources through sbatch.

It aims to improve learner’s jobs’ resource utilization and performance. But each researcher’s software is different! So this lesson will show learners the tools and teach basic concepts that the learners can use to evaluate the performance of their jobs and the software they’re using in those jobs.

The lesson also shows the learner a few Slurm features that can be used to help them organise their jobs in ways that can simplify submission of many similar jobs, or help organise jobs that depend on each other.

Finally, the lesson will show how learners can submit R or python scripts as Slurm jobs instead of the common Shell or Bash script. It will also show some of R and Python’s powerful file parsing functionality and how that can make Slurm job arrays even more robust!

Learning Objectives

After completing this lesson, learners are expected to know:

  • Which tools to use to evaluate performance of their CPU-only Slurm jobs
  • Which tools to use to evaluate performance of their GPU Slurm jobs
  • How to customize Slurm information-collecting commands
  • How to make use of Slurm array jobs to parallelise job submission
  • How to use job dependencies to create simple Slurm job pipelines
  • How to write Python and R Slurm scripts


It’s expected that you’ve submitted Slurm jobs before, and that you’ve used sbatch and squeue before. Some beginner-level command-line experience is necessary too. It’s assumed that you know how to do the things delivered in this introductory command-line course


The entirety of this lesson is delivered on Milton! To follow along, you will need command-line access to Milton via SSH (Secure SHell). If you don’t, please send an email to .

SSH access to any cluster using the Slurm scheduler will also work, although the setup may differ slightly from what is shown in the lesson.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Example Files

Download the demo programs and untar it on Milton.

tar xzf example-programs.tar.gz

If you have VAST Scratch, unzip it there. Your home directory is ok too.