Job Arrays

Last updated on 2024-05-07 | Edit this page



  • How can I run a lot of similar jobs?
  • How can I use job arrays in conjunction with a CSV file?


  • Understand the job array syntax
  • Understand how to make use of array indices
  • Know how to use sed and read to parse

Processing Multiple Cases

Now that you feel pretty comfortable with the pi-cpu program, your supervisor wants you to investigate how the error value of the tool changes with the number of iterations. This is controlled with the -n flag.

He’s noted that the tool uses 123,456,789 iterations (approx. 1.2E8), but he would like to know what the accuracy is like for lower number of iterations. He would like you to see how the error value behaves for 1E2, 1E3, 1E4, …, up to 1E8 iterations.

You know that running 7 tests manually is not a big deal, but you decide that you might want to make this easier to use in case the number of tests increase in the future.

You’ve heard about Slurm job arrays which is good at breaking up these “parameter scans”, so you decide to give them a go.

What does a job array do?

The job array functionality is a lightweight mechanism that Slurm provides to allow users to submit many similar Slurm scripts with a single sbatch command.

Job arrays submit multiple copies of the same script, each with the same job ID, but unique “task IDs”, which can be used to control each task’s behaviour.
Job arrays submit multiple copies of the same script, each with the same job ID, but unique “task IDs”, which can be used to control each task’s behaviour.

Something similar could be achieved with a for loop like:


for ID in {1..6}
    sbatch $ID

which submits 6 times, and passing the numbers 1 to 6 to each submission. However, job arrays have some advantages over this approach:

  • job arrays are more self-contained i.e., they do not need additional wrapper scripts or code to submit to Slurm.
  • each job array “task” is linked to the same job ID, and can be more easily queried with sacct and squeue.

Why you might prefer the “for loop” approach over job arrays:

  • each task in the job array has the same resources - seperate sbatch commands allow you to change the resource request.
  • when the work being done differs significantly between tasks - making it difficult to control the behaviour solely through a “task ID”.

Job Array Syntax

A Slurm script is turned into a job array with the --array=<range> sbatch option. On Milton, <range> can be any integer from 0 up to 1000. To specify a sequential range of values, you can use the min-max syntax, where min and max are the minimum and maximum values of the range.

For example, your Slurm script may look like



#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --array=1-3

echo "hello world"
sleep 3600

This script will execute 10 jobs which request the default CPUs and memory. The job will print “hello world” to the job’s output file, and then wait for an hour. When you submit this job, and your job waits in the queue, this array job will look similar to:




Submitted batch job 11784178


squeue -u $USER


11784178_[1-3]   regular    myjob   yang.e PD       0:00      1 (None)

where the [1-3] correspond to the indices passed to --array. Once they start running, the output from squeue will look similar to:


squeue -u $USER


 11784178_1   regular    myjob   yang.e  R       0:00      1 sml-n02
 11784178_2   regular    myjob   yang.e  R       0:00      1 sml-n02
 11784178_3   regular    myjob   yang.e  R       0:00      1 sml-n02

Each job is referred to as a “task” of a single job, each associated with their own index. In the above example, each array task will have a task ID of 1-10.

The --array option can also accept lists of integers and ranges, seperated by commas. For example, --array=1-3,7 is acceptable too! This is useful for testing or rerunning only specific indices.

Each array task will have its own output file. The default naming is slurm-<jobID>-<taskID>.out. For example, the above job submission produced:


ls slurm-11784178*.out


slurm-11784178_1.out  slurm-11784178_2.out  slurm-11784178_3.out

Cancelling array jobs

When cancelling jobs, you can reference individual array tasks, a range, or a list similar to specifying the jobs to run. For example,


scancel 1174178_[1-3,7]

will cancel only array tasks 1, 2, and 3. If you want to cancel all the job tasks at once, you can pass only the job ID.


scancel 1174178

This will cancel any unfinished or pending array tasks in the queue.

Note that this only works for scancel! No other Slurm command will accept this format.

Environment Variables in Slurm Jobs

Before you learn more about making use of job arrays, it’s important to know about Slurm job environment variables!

Every time Slurm runs a job for you, Slurm makes a number of environment variables available to you. These environment variables contain information about the job, like the job ID, the job name, or the job’s resources.

A full list of the available environment variables in a job can be found with man sbatch and scrolling down to OUTPUT ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. You can jump to this section by typing /output environment variables after you’ve opened the manual page.


Try crafting a Slurm script that requests 4 CPUs and 4GB of memory that says hello, and then prints the node it’s running on, the number of CPUs requested, and then the memory requested. An example output would be:


Hello. I am running on sml-n01
These are the resources I requested:
CPUs: 4
Memory: 4096MB

The Slurm environment variables needed here are SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK, SLURM_JOB_NODELIST, and SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE.

To produce the output in the challenge, your script needs to look similar to:


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=4G

echo "Hello. I am running on ${SLURM_JOB_NODELIST}"
echo "These are the resources I requested:"
echo "Memory: ${SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE}MB"

These parameters can be useful when you would like to automatically pass the Slurm resource request to a command in your script. For example, I can make pi-cpu use however many CPUs I’ve requested automatically by using the `SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK environment variable inside a job script:


#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
srun pi-cpu -p ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK}

But be careful: some Slurm environment variables only have a value if you’ve set it as a flag. For example, in the above example script, SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK has a value because we supplied --cpus-per-task. But if you didn’t set --cpus-per-task, the corresponding environment variable would be empty!

The SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID Environment Variable

Now back to Slurm job arrays!

While skimming through the manual pages, you might’ve noticed that one of the environment variables listed is SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID. This variable will store the ID of each task in a job array, which can be used to control what each task does.

As practice, we can take the Slurm script we wrote at the beginning and modify it a little:



#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --array=1-3

echo "hello world from task ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"

This script should now print hello world from task <N> where N is 1-3.




Submitted batch job 11784442

And once all the job tasks have completed, we should be able to check the output of each task:


cat slurm-11784442-*.out


hello world from task 1
hello world from task 2
hello world from task 3

Which is great! Now we just have to figure out how to make use of these task IDs. Remember: our goal is to execute pi-cpu -n <iter> where iter is 1E2, 1E3, …, 1E8.

One might think of using the IDs directly, for example, instead of #SBATCH --array=1-3, maybe we could try something like


#SBATCH --array=100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,1000000000

But if we add this to our example array script and try to submit it, we get the error:


sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Invalid job array specification

And unfortunately this is because Slurm on Milton has been configured to accept a max job array index of 1000.

So, we have to figure out another way! A common alternative is to use a file to store the values we want the job array to scan over. In our case, we can put together a file with a line for each number of iterations we want the job array to scan over. Let’s call it iterations.txt, which contains:


But how do we use the job array index to retrieve each of these lines? We can use the readarray command line utility.

readarray is a neat tool that can split text into a Bash array. Executing the command will start an interactive prompt. To exit, press Ctrl+D.


# start typing
is an
example # press Ctrl+D to exit

Your text gets saved into the MAPFILE array variable (each index corresponds to a line):


echo "line1: ${MAPFILE[0]}, line2: ${MAPFILE[1]}, line3: ${MAPFILE[2]}"


line1: this, line2: is an, line3: example

A couple things to note about referencing elements in bash arrays: * Array indices start at 0 * ${} are on the outside of array[index].

Instead of supplying it input manually, we can pass it a file using redirection:


readarray < iterations.txt
echo ${MAPFILE[@]}


100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000

The @ symbol means “all the elements in the array”. Instead of saving the array into MAPFILE, we can pass a variable name to readarray and it will save the array into that variable instead e.g.:


readarray niterations < iterations.txt
echo ${niterations[@]}


100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000

Can you start to see how we might combine the Slurm array index and our bash array to pass different iteration values to pi-cpu?


It’s generally good practice to test your array job before you run it for real. This is especially true if you plan to run a large number of tasks!

Let’s first test that we know how to properly combine the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable together with readarray. Take your script and modify it:



#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --array=0-2

echo "hello world from task ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"
readarray niterations < iterations.txt
echo "I will run ${niterations[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}!"

Note that we’ve changed the array task range from 1-3 to 0-2 since the bash array is 0-indexed.

Let’s submit this script to confirm that we’ve used `readarray`` correctly.




Submitted batch job 11784737

Because we’ve only passed the range 0-1 to the --array option, we should expect to only see outputs for the first 3 rows in iterations.txt:


cat slurm-11784737_*.out


hello world from task 0
I will run 100
hello world from task 1
I will run 1000
hello world from task 2
I will run 10000

Which demonstrates that we’ve taken the first 3 lines of iterations.txt correctly! But there’s something wrong… the exclamation marks on the next line instead of at the end of the number! This is because readarray keeps newline characters when parsing the file. To turn off this behavior we need to add the -t option, so our readarray command becomes:


readarray -t niterations < iteration.txt

We can now make use of these values by passing the number of iterations to the pi-cpu command. We also need to change the array range to pull all the lines of the iterations.txt file. Change the array range and add the pi-cpu command to your script:


#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --array=0-6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

echo "hello world from task ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"
readarray -t niterations < iterations.txt
echo "I will run ${niterations[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}!"

srun ./pi-cpu -p ${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} -n ${niterations[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}

You will also need to ensure that --cpus-per-task is provided here, as without that option, SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK doesn’t get set either.

We can then submit the script:


# wait for the job tasks to finish...
cat slurm-*.out


$ cat slurm-11913780_*.out
hello world from task 0
I will run 100!
Result: 3.1600000000000 Error:  0.0184072589874 Time: 0.0003s
... skipped output

hello world from task 1
I will run 1000!
Result: 3.0480000000000 Error: -0.0935927410126 Time: 0.0004s
... skipped output

hello world from task 2
I will run 10000!
Result: 3.1344000000000 Error: -0.0071927410126 Time: 0.0056s
... skipped output

hello world from task 3
I will run 100000!
Result: 3.1431600000000 Error:  0.0015672589874 Time: 0.0013s
... skipped output

hello world from task 4
I will run 1000000!
Result: 3.1421880000000 Error:  0.0005952589874 Time: 0.0100s
... skipped output

hello world from task 5
I will run 10000000!
Result: 3.1419520000000 Error:  0.0003592589874 Time: 0.0936s
... skipped output

hello world from task 6
I will run 100000000!
Result: 3.1414855200000 Error: -0.0001072210126 Time: 0.9331s
... skipped output

And now you can see the magnitude of the error, and the speed decreasing as we increase the number of iterations.

Multi-column data

So far you’ve only needed one column of data (the number of iterations) to investigate accuracy with number of iterations. But, in many cases you might be interested in varying multiple variables with each array task.

We can do this by adding another column to our data. Create a new file called iter-cpu.txt with the content:

iters cpus
100 2
100 4
1000 2
1000 4
10000 2
10000 4

The first row is now a header and rows 2-7 contains the data we’ll use in our job arrays. Here, we’re going to vary the value passed to -p.

We can still execute readarray on this file:


readarray filedata < iter-cpu.txt
echo ${filedata[0]}


iters cpus

But the columns don’t get split!

So how do we split the columns? cut is a tool you might be aware of (for example from an introductory course). But, this time, lets split the lines of text using the read utility.

We can use the “heredoc” operator <<< to pass text to the read command:


read <<< "hello world"
echo $REPLY


hello world

By default, read saves what we send it to the variable REPLY. Note that unlike readarray, REPLY is not an array. We can choose the variable to save our input to by giving read a variable name:


read myvar <<< "hello world"
echo $myvar


hello world

read is also useful because if we pass it more variable names, it will split the words into each of thoses variables. So, if we add another variable name to our previous read command:


read myvar1 myvar2 <<< "hello world"
echo "myvar1: $myvar1, myvar2: $myvar2"


myvar1: hello, myvar2: world

parsing theiter-cpu.txtfile

We now know how to split lines of a file into an array using readarray, as well as splitting strings with spaces into individual words!

See if you can apply this to our current case: try and get the first line from iter-cpu.txt and save the first column into niterations and the second column into ncpus bash variables

As shown already we can save iter-cpu.txt into an array using


readarray -t rowdata < iter-cpu.txt

This gives us an array, rowdata, where each element is a line of text from iter-cpu.txt. To split the first line of the file into variables niterations and ncpus:


read niterations ncpus <<< "${rowdata[0]}"

${rowdata[0]} is referencing the first element of rowdata, and therefore the first line of text in iter-cpu.txt. read will take this the row data, and split the two words into niterations and ncpus variables.

Which array indices?

Our new text file not only has a new column, but we’ve also added headers.

So, before we make use of readarray in our job array, should we change the range passed to --array to make sure our new Slurm array script works?

Yes we do! While we have the same number of rows in iter-cpu.txt, the first row is headers. If we passed those headers to pi-cpu instead of integer values, the program would fail. We need to ensure only array tasks 1-6 are being run (remember: the 0th index is the first row in the file i.e., the headers).

Be aware of this when you write your own files and job array scripts!

Use the second columnsiter-cpu.txt

Adapt your array job to use what we’ve learnt so far about readarray and read to adapt your script to make use of the 2 columns in iter-cpu.txt! The first column should be passed to -n and the second should be passed to -p.

We first need to modify the readarray line to read the correct file, and to use an appropriately named array variable:


readarray -t rowdata < iter-cpu.txt

We then need to split rowdata further into niterations and ncpus. To do this, we will adapt what we wrote for “Parsing the iter-cpu.txt file” challenge. Instead of reading the first “0th” element of rowdata, we’ll use the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable:


read niterations ncpus <<< ${rowdata[$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK]}

And finally, we can add niterations and ncpus to our echo and pi-cpu execution command!


echo "I will run $niterations iterations and with $ncpus CPUs!"

srun pi-cpu -p $ncpus -n $niterations

Our final script should look something like:



#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#SBATCH --array=1-6
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

echo "hello world from task ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"

readarray -t rowdata < iter-cpu.txt
read niterations ncpus <<< ${rowdata[$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID]}

echo "I will run $niterations with $ncpus CPUs!"

srun pi-cpu -p $ncpus -n $niterations

Controlling output

When using --output and --error flags with sbatch, you can make use of the %A variable which refers to the parent job ID, and %a, which refers to the job task. Using %j will use a different job ID for each task.

Exception handling

Sometimes, you might find that you want to execute your job script from the command line, instead of submitting it to Slurm. In this case, your job likely won’t have a SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable set. In this case, you will want to make sure the necessary check is present and for the script to exit appropriately OR set a reasonable default.


    echo "This script needs to be submitted as a Slurm script!"
    exit 1

[ -z $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID ] returns 0 if SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID is NOT set. You can replace the echo and exit statement with a reasonable default instead e.g., export SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID=1.

Different delimiters (optional)

Here we showed how to split text that is seperated by spaces. e.g.


string="hello world"
read word1 word1 <<< "$string"

But different delimiters can be used using the following syntax:


string="hello world"
IFS=<delimiter> read word1 word2 <<< "$string"

IFS is a special environment variable used by bash to determine how to split strings. By setting it to a different character(s), you can control how read splits your string. What should you set IFS to to get the following output from echo "word1: $word1, word2: $word2"?

  1. word1: hello , word2: orld
  2. word1: , word2: ello world
  1. IFS=w:


string="hello world"
IFS=w read word1 word2 <<< "$string"
echo "word1: $word1, word2: $word2"


word1: hello , word2: orld
  1. IFS=h


string="hello world"
IFS=h read word1 word2 <<< "$string"
echo "word1: $word1, word2: $word2"


word1: , word2: ello world

Key Points

  • Slurm job arrays are a great way to parallelise similar jobs!
  • The SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable is used to control individual array tasks’ work
  • A file with all the parameters can be used to control array task parameters
  • readarray and read are useful tools to help you parse files. But it can also be done many other ways!